256 South Carroll Street
Frederick, Maryland 21701-6523
www.missiontransition.net, www.Zookdesign.com
Interior Design, Transitions and Estate Management
Member since May 2010
Management and Leadership
Environmentally Preferable Products and Services
My businesses, MISSION:TRANSITION and Zookdesign, are by nature green businesses in that I recycle, salvage and re-use materials and items. I have been providing transitions and estate management, downsizing, relocating, organizing, simplifying and the re-design and re-building of living and working environments for people and business since 1999.
Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
I purchase recycled content cardboard (for use in my business) and mulch and compost (about 150 lbs per year) from the county facility for use on the business property.
Environmental Restoration or Community Environmental Projects
I have created a natural, drought resistant, urban landscape by planting appropriate ornamental trees and plants that require very little water, providing increased habitat for birds and animals. I planted Leland Cyprus five years ago that are now 30 feet tall and are full of birds and nests. I have eight birdhouses around the property, full of chicks. All of this work has provided opportunity for pollinators, ) bees, hummingbirds, etc.) to thrive, and birds to find plenty of food, and roost in trees and birdhouses installed on the hill. I also have frogs, dragonflys, bats.
Solid Waste Reduction and Reuse
My business is all about re-use. I remove as much material as possible from my jobs for recycling, re-sale and donation. The Great Estate Re-Cycle, for Estate Clearing, Sales, Donation and Salvage, and The $349 Interior RE-Vitalization, an interior design RE-USE Service, both facets of the MISSION:TRANSITION business.
At my office, I recycle cardboard and white paper, compost organic materials, including some white paper, as experiment, and contribute residual organic materials to the county mulch and compost facility.
Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency
I have a new radiant heat in the office floor, energy efficient windows, and Energy Star appliances. I use a clothes line for all of my personal laundry. Tenants on the property use an Energy Star Rated Washer/Dryer and Dishwasher.
Water Conservation
I have 250 gallons of water stored in rain barrels, as well as 300 gallons of water in ponds, at all times. They all feed the organic garden and landscaping at my property. I can approximate, that I saved 6,000 gallons of city water last growing season and this year a quarter of that, so far. I also have low flow fixtures (shower heads and toilets) throughout my office facility.
Stormwater Management and Site Design
I have a complete storm water management system for my property. Water from the office roof is directed into the rain barrels, ponds and organic garden, for 6 to 8 months of the year. The organic garden is 1,350 square feet and it is located in the historic district of Frederick Maryland so it is an urban garden.
A permeable river pebble "patio" occupies another 400 square feet. I have also constructed a hill of drought resistant plantings, such as ornamental grasses, sedum, day lilies, Russian Sages, Echinacea, Bee Balm, Butterfly Bush, Curly Willow, zinnias, wildflowers, etc. It acts as a buffer zone from traffic on the front, south west corner, of the property at South Carroll Street and is 7,290 cubic feet. One of the 150 gallon ponds is integrated into this hill, fed from the rain spout on the front of the house and used minimally to water, if necessary. The ornamentals planted are drought-resistant.
In total, I have converted 2,890 square feet (including the hill and garden) to a non-mowing area. The grass that remains on the property is cut with a non-motorized rotary mower and electric weed whacker.
Member US Green Building Council (USGBC), Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU), and Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBzone)