Thursday, December 16, 2010

We Are Born, We Accumulate, We Downsize, Then We Go Forward!

Buy, Buy says the sign in the shop window;
Why, why, says the junk in the yard.
Paul McCartney, English, Musician Quotes


 B.A.D. We are Born, we Accumulate, we ( hopefully) Downsize!

Zook Design & Mission:Transition

DOWNSIZING: Keys to a Successful Transition: 


1. R. B. D.- Relocation By Design: Design a Plan and an exit strategy... with your Realtor, your Transitions Manager, your lawyer, your CPA; all the professionals you count on and work it....getting the right help is important at the start. 
2. D.O.S.-Downsize, Organize and Strategize: The 1 year rule of thumb. Put a plan into action 1 year before listing your home, or sooner.  The amount of time and energy you dedicate to this depends on your other obligations, health and energy level. However, If you do not focus on this it will catch up with you....and you will run out of time. 
Behaviors to Be Aware of:  
            Denial and Procrastination Creates Crisis. Bottom line, number one reason for life going sour. 
            Stop (Accumulating). Put the money you would normally spend on more 'stuff' aside in a separate bank account  to purchase new things you    want after your move. 
            Beware the Arm Chair Professional: The neighbor or other acquaintance offering advice in your time of stress. Maintain Perspective. A     professional is tested in their craft and has to hold their own in a very competitive market. The neighbor does not. Ask for and call professional    references. 
3. L.B.Y.L.- Live by your List: Write it all down. At first, generalize, then get specific as you work your plan. Who (to give to) ,What ( to move or give), When( to do it all,) Where ( to move, etc. ) Why ( All the reasons) This is your business plan for your future. When in doubt, read it for affirmation. 
4. H.O.HHire Objective Help. Family can be helpful, but is generally not objective nor empathetic enough to see you through the process without undue stress. Do not burden them with your stuff or your time crisis.  Hire an experienced, professional Transitions manager/ downsizer who can work with you to assess your situation, develop a plan, contact the right professionals for you...such as auction houses, charities, etc.; go through your stuff with you, pack it up as you go, work with you to find the right moving company, manage the move itself, and get you set up afterwards AND sell your stuff. This is the person who sees you through the confusion and keeps you on target. Your right hand, and extra brain.  
5. S.Y.S.- Sell Your Stuff: With the help of a professional, you can sell almost anything that you decide you do not want to relocate with you. Everything from furnishings, to tools to "throw aways"....With the money made, buy new furnishings for your new home, or go on vacation.  
Keep it Simple: The old adage, but in times of big change, always the best policy. Move less, add later. 
Live Happy, Live Well!
copyright Laurie Zook 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Going into 2011, Getting PRE-pared?

Winter is NOT my favorite season and I am doing the best I can to NOT project gloom and doom on the months ahead. With the current financial crisis in this country and paralleled in my business, on a very small scale, how, I ask, do I go forward with RE-newed vigor for my business? Winter has always been the slow season. NOW how to survive this? 

Whatever, it's not a quick fix. There is no one solution to this problem for me, or for anyone in small business. 

How do I continue to create new possibilities in what looks so grim? Where do I find that next client? I know there are at least a thousand seniors out there, within my physical range of daily work, at least, who are lost when they think about getting their properties ready so they can sell them and move on. They are not capable of going it alone or sometimes with skilled help, like me. 

This leads me to review: What is it that I do for my clients? How could I change to capture more clients? These are some of the right questions to ask myself. I can ask and ask and end up at the same answers. What I do is work with people on the physical management aspects of transition. 

Question is: Where is my next client?

Survival as a small specialized service business. Yikes. Enough said.

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